Emergence Film and Performance Highlighted in The Hartford Courant

Emergence 1 & 2 were performed in the Stowe Center landscape on October 9 & 10. jackie sumell’s Solitary Garden, an activist art piece installed on the grounds as part of the 2020 Stowe prize honoring Albert Woodfox’s work, Solitary, provided both inspiration and scenery to the performance. In anticipation of the premier of the Emergence film, The Hartford Courant‘s Christopher Arnott writes about the genesis of the work, activist-artist Judy Dworin and the Judy Dworin Performance Project (JDPP), and the performers and collaborators, many of whom experienced incarceration and have now returned home. The Stowe Center is so proud to have partnered with JDPP on the 2021 Emergence performances and the February 2022 Salon on the Creative Endeavor and Positive Social Change.