Stowe Center for Literary Activism
77 Forest Street
Hartford, CT 06105
December 17, 2020
This quadriptych celebrates the 2020 Suffrage Centennial from the lens of a Stowe Center suffrage collection item layered with making and learning. Viewers can learn how to make a replica of Isabella Beecher Hooker‘s American suffrage Phrygian-style hat, a treasured object from the Stowe Center’s collections by downloading the instructions and pattern. Online participants will need to assemble the supplies needed to complete this DYI project from home. Also included in this triptych is a “how to” instructional video by Rebecca Bayreuther Donohue, Stitcher and Pattern Maker, whose video provides an overview lesson to help you make your hat. The fourth item in the quadriptych is a talk by Dr. Shirley Wajda, Ph.D. in American Civilization, about nineteenth-century American sewing circles and the importance of the suffrage cap as well as topics related to women’s suffrage history, anti-slavery activism, and the history of voting in America. Activate this online learning at home alone, with some friends in your Pandemic pod, or create your own virtual sewing project circle. Print on 11” x 17” inch paper or tile the pattern printouts.
Sewing and Learning 1, Sewing and Learning 2, Learning and Sewing 4
Rebecca Bayreuther Donohue, Stitcher and Pattern Maker, provides an overview and general orientation lesson to help you make your own hat from the pattern provided (materials not included)