Afternoon making Revolutionary Mortar and Replanting the Solitary Garden

May 15, 2021


Join us as we make Revolutionary mortar out of a mixture of cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane mixed with CT lime to form the furniture in the Solitary Garden, and then help plant the seedlings and seeds to grow this 6’x9’ garden that is an art installation by jackie sumell and the Stowe Center to teach about the horrors and hope for recovery of prisoners held in these torturous conditions in CT and nationally.

The project draws links to chattel slavery practices, slave labor conditions currently underway in the industrial prison system, as well as the inhumanity of this practice. Participants are welcome to help plant the garden. The program will include an introduction and discussion of the art piece and the materials.

FREE! Drop in and see the Solitary Garden come to life.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center/77 Forest St./Hartford, CT 06105
Doors Open 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Program 3:00 PM