Can We End Domestic Violence?

October 8, 2015

Dr. Garry Lapidus of the Injury Prevention Center at Connecticut Children’s Hospital and Karen Jarmoc of Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, were the featured guests. Domestic violence is between intimate partners, including violence between spouses, partners, siblings, and parent/guardians and children. Dr. Lapidus said it is important to recognize signs of domestic violence early, especially among children, and not be afraid to talk openly about it. He said that only by talking about the problem can solutions and harm reduction strategies be found. He described how young men are taught to be men — acting tough, showing physical strength and hiding emotions. This can cause men to have strict notions of masculinity which lead to violence or suppressed emotions. Though we many not be able to eradicate domestic violence, we can reduce the rate and support survivors.
Inspiration to Action

  • Educate yourself and others on how to recognize signs of domestic violence
  • Think of domestic violence as a public health issue, not just an individual or interpersonal issue
  • Support and believe women and others when they speak about domestic violence
  • Encourage young men to think about the ways men are expected to behave and to not feel pressured to fit into norms of masculinity
Doors Open 7:30 PM
Program 7:30 PM