Cooking and Caring for Harriet Beecher Stowe Center’s Champion Pawpaw Tree

August 30, 2020 to August 29, 2020

The Harriet Beecher Stowe Center welcomes you to take a bite out of history with a culinary lesson and lecture.


Join us, Horticulturalist Daniel Furman of Cricket Hill Nursery, and Chef Louis Lista of the Pond House Cafe for the history of the pawpaw, recipes guests can incorporate into everyday life, and delightful tastings of pawpaw dishes & drinks all while visiting the site of Connecticut’s largest pawpaw tree.


The pawpaw is the largest domestic fruit in North America and its fruit ripens in late August. It was heavily praised in the 19th century and is experiencing a resurgence in popularity for its tropical flavors – a blend of mango, banana and citrus – from a tree that grows in northern hardiness zones like Connecticut’s.


This is an outdoor event and our COVID Courtesy Code will be in effect.


Program fee: $30. Includes food and drinks.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center /Stowe Gardens / 77 Forest Street Hartford, CT
Doors Open 4 PM
Program 4-6 PM