"Feminist Advocacy: Championing Gender and Social Justice"

with author Jillian Gilchrest

January 15, 2025

6:00 – 7:00 PM
Visitor Center
77 Forest Street, Hartford

Join us for a presentation from CT State Representative Jillian Gilchrest on her new book, Feminist Advocacy: Championing Gender and Social Justice!

In this insightful and inspiring book, Gilchrest takes us through the process of first identifying as a feminist, to learning to actively listen to a diversity of people’s lived experiences, which serves to guide advocacy efforts, to fighting fiercely for a women’s right to choose and more.

Registration requested for attendance tracking, but not required.

Jillian Gilchrest holds a master’s in social work with a focus in policy practice from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. As of September 2019, Gilchrest teaches social welfare policy and psychology of women for the University of Saint Joseph. She has worked as executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut and policy & communications director for Connecticut’s Sexual Assault Coalition


Location 77 Forest Street, Hartford
Doors Open
Program 6:00 - 7:00 PM