Has Racial Inequality

Reached the Tipping Point?

January 22, 2015

Featured guests Rev. Henry Brown, Henrietta Beckman, and Aswad Thomas, Hartford-area activists working to end violence, shared perspectives on how racial inequality fuels violence, poverty, hopelessness, and victimization. Conversation focused on the need for more and better communication within communities, police policies, and the need to address mass incarceration, economic disparity, white privilege, and education.

Inspiration to Action

  • Mentor, support and empower young people
  • Attend Mothers United Against Violence meetings
  • Understand the implications of racial inequality and how it affects poverty and violence –share these implications with others
  • Get involved in your community by voting, volunteering, attending local events
  • Share/amplify the stories and people who are most affected by racial inequality
  • Get involved in anti-violence initiatives
Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 5 - 7 PM
Program 5 - 7 PM