Holidays at Nook Farm

Holiday Tours, Music of the Season, Arts & Crafts & Museum Store Sales

December 3, 2017

You’ll find holiday spirit at Hartford’s Nook Farm, 19th century home to writers Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain.


Tour the Stowe and Twain Houses, both National Historic Landmarks
decorated for the season. Stowe House tours step off on the hour
with the final tour of the day at 4 PM. Regular admission fees apply
with a discount for visiting both sites.


Enjoy free refreshments, holiday music, arts & crafts


20% off discounted shopping in both Museum Stores
plus free gift wrapping!


Bring new bath towels and feminine hygiene products
for donation to emergency shelters.


Tour Admission


Note: Mark Twain House hours 3 – 6 PM.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center and The Mark Twain House & Museum
Doors Open Noon
Program Noon - 6 PM