Stowe Center for Literary Activism
77 Forest Street
Hartford, CT 06105
Wednesday, February 28th
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Stowe Visitor Center
Refreshments provided
We are pleased to present Ximena Abello Hurtado as a guest speaker at our February Salons at Stowe program. Abello Hurtado is an Assistant Professor of Africana Studies at Mount Holyoke College. Her work focuses on histories of Black decolonial feminism, the Afro-South-American experience in New Grenada, Black girl studies, and the diversity of global Afro-Diasporic connections. Her research has taken her to archives in New Granada, which is now the Columbia-Ecuador-Panama-Venezuela region of South America. There, she found letters written by enslaved Black women to the Spanish viceroyalty advocating for their freedom from enslavement. Through these letters, Abello Hurtado explores how women were active agents of their own emancipation, despite numerous barriers of race, class, and limited literacy. Abello Hurtado shares their stories with us using their own words, and through extensive historical research, unflinchingly develops for us the world in which these courageous women lived.
Ximena Abello Hurtado will present on her research around the women and girls of New Granada. The presentation will be followed by an audience Q & A and opportunity for discussion. We invite everyone to this important, informative, and free public program. Light refreshments will be served.
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