Ken Barone: The Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project Discussion

April 23, 2020

**The museum is closed to the public and this event will not take place on site. We are looking into options for delivering programs virtually. Status updates will be shared here and on our website. Stay tuned.**


Join the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center as we welcome Ken Barone, Project Manager with the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at CCSU for a discussion about his work with The Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project.


First enacted in 1999, Connecticut’s anti-racial profiling law entitled, the Alvin W. Penn Racial Profiling Prohibition Act (Public Act 99-198), prohibits any law enforcement agency from stopping, detaining, or searching any motorist when the stop is motivated solely by considerations of the race, color, ethnicity, age, gender or sexual orientation of that individual (Connecticut General Statutes Sections 54-1l).


The law was named after the late State Senator Alvin W. Penn from Bridgeport, Connecticut who championed the legislation in Connecticut. Barone and his team have published several annual and supplemental reports, quantifying the number of stops from state and local police officers.


The Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project’s work creates ongoing dialogue “about race and policing that helps to build the community’s relationship with law enforcement officers.” (Wiliiam Dyson, co-chair.)


To learn more about the project, please visit





Ken Barone, Project Manager

Since 2012, Ken has managed the Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project (CTRP3) on behalf of the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at Central Connecticut State University. This project works to implement the state of Connecticut’s Alvin W. Penn Racial Profiling law.


The Alvin W. Penn law requires law enforcement agencies to collect information on traffic stops and report that information to CCSU. Ken is responsible for coordinating data collection and submission from 107 law enforcement agencies. He works with the Connecticut Data Collaborative to make the data available to the public through an online data portal. He has co-authored numerous reports analyzing municipal and state police data for evidence of discrimination.


In addition, he is responsible for staffing the Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Advisory Board, four subcommittees and is the legislative liaison for the project with the Connecticut General Assembly. Ken is also a certified Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services “Fair and Impartial Police” trainer. He has trained over 800 law enforcement officers since 2014.


Ken has served as a project consultant in California, Oregon, and Rhode Island on the implementation of their statewide traffic stop data collection programs. This includes helping states design electronic data collection system, develop analytical tools for identifying racial disparities in traffic stop data, and implementing training programs to address implicit bias in policing.


In addition, Ken also manages the Connecticut law that requires the collection and analysis of incidents involving electronic defense weapons. Ken co-authored a 2015 and 2016 report on the use of electronic defense weapons by local and state police.


He also co-authored a report on the regulation of transportation network companies in Connecticut, and a report on the Connecticut law to raise the age of juvenile offenders to 18. He has provided project assistance to the Juvenile Jurisdiction Policy and Operations Coordinating Council, the Connecticut Re-entry Roundtable Collaborative, and the Institute’s Children of Incarcerated Parent’s initiative.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center / Day House Parlor / 77 Forest Street Hartford, CT
Doors Open 5:30 PM
Program 5:30-8:00 PM