Policing the Police:

How Can Communities Transform Law Enforcement?

October 27, 2016

Bishop John Selders of Amistad UCC and Trinity College and David McGuire, Executive Director of the Connecticut American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), were featured guests in a conversation on police reform. Participants discussed the merits of body cameras, the need for better training for police officers, protests and demonstrations like the Black Lives Matter movement, and the need for creative thinking regarding solutions to police violence. Mr. McGuire commented that the prevailing thought of a “few bad apples” in police departments is inaccurate. Police misconduct is much more widespread in a culture of silence. The ACLU works every day to combat police misconduct, but it is deeply entrenched. Bishop Selders described his work with Moral Monday CT, a faith-based advocacy group, and concluded that all people, in whatever way suits them, need to get involved in issues.
Inspiration to Action

  • Advocate for a police training overhaul. Mandate that all officers receive implicit bias training
  • Fight for body cameras for all police departments
  • Advocate for alternatives to policing and punishment; envision what your community would look like without police
  • Support organizations like the ACLU and movements like Black Lives Matter and Moral Monday that are working to create immediate and lasting change
  • Recognize that not all people have the same experiences with law enforcement; listen to those who have different experiences than you
Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 5:30 - 6 PM
Program 6 - 7:30 PM