Being Black in Public:

When the Police are "Customer Service" for White People

July 18, 2018

Falling asleep in a dormitory. Selling water on a hot day.
Having a barbecue in the park.


In recent months, white people have called police to report these behaviors by people of color. How do these incidents expose the legacies of segregation?
What do they tell us about how white people and people of color understand
the role of police in America?


Optional Reading:


White people keep calling the cops on black people for no reason. That’s dangerous.


When White People Call the Police on Black People


Being Black in Public


When Calling the Police Is a Privilege


Launched in 2015, Salons at Lunch are facilitated conversations on
social justice issues in the news.


Salons at Lunch meet Wednesdays at noon in July and August — outdoors if the weather is nice or in the air conditioned Visitor Center.
Bring your thoughts and bring your lunch.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 11:30 AM
Program Noon-1 PM