Do Words Matter?

Do Actions Really Speak Louder Than Words?

August 15, 2018

When you tell someone you find their words offensive or hurtful, do you ever hear, “It’s just a joke” or other responses that imply that words don’t matter? How much do words matter? Do we care more about actions or words, and what are the consequences of the choice we make? Join the conversation.


Suggested reading:


“It’s just a joke’: the subtle effects of offensive language


Words Matter (More Than You Think)


Launched in 2015, Salons at Lunch are facilitated conversations on
social justice issues in the news.


Salons at Lunch meet Wednesdays at noon in July and August in the
air conditioned Visitor Center.
Bring your thoughts and bring your lunch.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 11:30 AM
Program Noon - 1 PM