A War on Drugs

Or a Public Health Crisis?

August 22, 2018

As the scope of opioid addiction has entered public consciousness, it’s been framed as a public health crisis. This is markedly different from how America has responded to the spread of other drugs, and exposes fault lines in how communities discuss addiction, recovery, and ways of addressing widespread drug use. Join us to talk about race and class dynamics of drug use in America.


Suggested Reading:


This Is America: Save a White Drug Addict, Jail a Black One


How the media portrays black and white drug users differently


Number of Fatal Cocaine Overdoses Among Black People on Par With Opioid-Related Deaths Among Whites, Study Shows


New Haven Emergency Crews Respond to Additional K2 Overdoses Around City Green Thursday; Total This Week Over 100


Launched in 2015, Salons at Lunch are facilitated conversations
on social justice issues in the news.


Salons at Lunch meet Wednesdays at noon in July and August
in the air conditioned Visitor Center.
Bring your thoughts and bring your lunch.

Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 11:30 AM
Program Noon - 1 PM