Separate and Unequal:

How Do We Achieve Equity in Education?

September 22, 2016

Robert Cotto of the Hartford Board of Education and Director of Urban Education Initiatives at Trinity College, Kate Busch Gervais, Executive Director of the Discovery Center, and José Colón, Principal at Hartford Public High School’s Law & Government Academy, led a conversation on education equity. The conversation took place on the heels of Connecticut Superior Court Judge Thomas G. Moukawsher‘s critique of the state’s education system. Ms. Busch Gervais defined equity as ensuring everyone has the resources needed to achieve success. She asked participants to envision what equity in education looks like. Responses included equal funding for all schools and students, curricula recognizing student body diversity, and schools that embrace different learning styles. Mr. Cotto and Mr. Colón described Hartford Public Schools‘ challenges. They highlighted two schools in Hartford’s North End: Clark Elementary School due to contaminants in the infrastructure; and the parents and students at M.L.K. School who advocated to keep the school open.
Inspiration to Action

  • Get involved in your neighborhood school and with your town/city’s Board of Education
  • Support students — tutor, volunteer, support initiatives led by students
  • Listen to the concerns of students and teachers
  • Allow those working in education — teachers, students, principals — to lead education reform
  • Know that equity is achievable, though we have not achieved it
Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 5:30 - 6 PM
Program 6 - 7:30 PM