Unpacking White Privilege

September 10, 2015

Andrea Kandel, President and CEO of the National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ), and Cynthia Martin, NCCJ Director of Programs, led a discussion on white privilege. White privilege is the unearned benefit and advantage that come with white skin, benefits people of color don’t receive. Examples of white privilege are: the ability to turn on a television show and know that someone will look like you; the ability to have faith and not fear in law enforcement; never being asked to speak on behalf of your race; and not worrying that loans, credit cards, or mortgage applications will be denied due to race. The group discussed intersectionality, where it is possible to have privilege in one part of your life and not in another. The featured guests said that progress comes when those with privilege reckon with it and leverage their privilege positively.
Inspiration to Action

  • Educate yourself and others on racial privilege
  • Discuss what it means to have white privilege and recognize the way privilege works and affects society
  • Diversify what you read and the media you consume
  • If you are white, use your privilege to amplify the voices of those who are not white
  • Advocate for racial justice policies
Location Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Doors Open 5 - 7 PM
Program 5 - 7 PM